Bottega artigiana
del vetro
Edward Bottaro, sent by his father Giuseppe, a tailor, in Paris to learn the trade, remains fascinated by the large cathedral windows in Paris and returned to Genoa at the end of the nineteenth century, opens the glass artisan shop in Tintori’s alley. The son Henry, after many changes, in 1937 arrives in the square Scuole Pie, one of the most interesting medieval Genoese squares, and here opens a shop in Palazzo Cicala. Initially it is an artistic glass factory but then his son Ermanno diversifies the production of glass to industry, construction, harbour and private. Now the children of Mr. Ermanno, Marco and Paola, are carrying on the family tradition and produce, in the fascinating shop, emery glass decorated and artistic windows as well as modern productions for furnishings: mirrors, frames, chandeliers, tables. Inside the workshop, a reference point for the Genoese who have a taste for beauty and refined, there are still traces of the paving and the vaulted ceilings overhead lunettes. Still in use, or stored in special showcases, are various tools for the glass processing; cutters, rollers for sinopias, drawing pens for furniture and glass grinder, some made specifically from Paola and Marco grandfather. The workshop, with laboratory annex, is a riot of color, creativity, technical skill and dexterity and you breathe an atmosphere of times: here are produced handcrafted art objects with an eye to tradition but always fashion-conscious and to changing tastes and pictorial and decorative techniques.
Opened in 1937 in the medieval square Cicala , the shop continues here the glassmaker activities undertaken by Edoardo Bottaro the late nineteenth century. Founded as artistic glassworks then expanded its activities. Inside we found the floor partially original and ceilings pavilion vaulted, ancient tools for glass processing and much documentary material.